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Become a Sponsor 

This year we lost many dear and near ones. Music is meant to heal and help us move forward. This is our aim in Unlock the Music. It seems that the arts world has been hit even worse than any other industry. Malls, movie theatres and restaurants have all been allowed to open, but classical arts continue to be ignored and shut! Most artists have not been able to perform for the last 18 months. They have received very little financial support too. We want to ensure that we can organise more such concerts, support other artists and ensure that Indian Classical Music will be heard again.




Benefits of becoming a platinum sponsor:

  • 30 seconds video of your organisation before and after the concert

  • Logo on concert screen

  • Logo on all publicity material that we create

  • Logo on our press-kit

Benefits of becoming a gold sponsor:

  • Logo on all publicity material that we create

  • Logo on our press-kit

  • Acknowledgement by Emcee before each concert

Benefits of becoming a silver sponsor:

  • Acknowledgement by Emcee before each concert

Benefits of becoming an Educational Sponsor (either platinum/gold or silver)

  • Same benefits as sponsortype

  • Access to education package


Only with your continued help and support will we be able to organise these concerts. Thank you for your support.

Sponsorship benefits

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